Chrysalis Kits
I got so much pleasure out of watching a Monarch emerge from its pupa or chrysalis that I knew it would be a great gift for others – especially ‘housebound’ people like the aged or the sick. Watching a butterfly emerge can be very motivational and lift one’s spirits. There are parallels with new beginnings and birth… so I worked on a simple way of transporting and having them emerge safely, so that it was easy to share in the pleasure.
From my first attempts, taking pupae attached to sticks into Whangarei Hospital for two Russell people who had had strokes, the design of the gifts has gradually evolved so that it’s even safer and easier to display them.
See the photo of the chrysalis, just before the butterfly emerges, and a few hours after it has arrived.
The kits are $45 P&P inclusive, sent anywhere in New Zealand. Delivery can also be arranged for Australia – inquire about prices etc.
They are a unique and lasting gift; much talked about and quite inspirational. Payment can be made by internet banking transfer or cheque (needs to be received a week before the chrysalis kit is sent. They can be ordered by writing to
Just received a comment back from a satisfied customer in Wellington, who wanted a gift for a work colleague in the hospice. He wrote to say: “All arrived safe and intact. The gift was very well received and from a personal point of view, one of the best gifts I’ve enjoyed giving.”
That makes it so worthwhile, to hear feedback like that!
I wanted to quickly tell you about the joy that “fairy wings” – the girl’s butterfly – brought over Christmas!
They rang as the chrysallis was hatching – totally delighted they were!!! They kept her for about 24hrs and when she was released she landed on their mum and then hung around in the backyard for a while.
Apparantly ‘fairy wings’ still comes to visit from the neighbours backyard – or so the girls think!!! I’m not sure if they live that long?? Anyhow the girls think it’s their special butterfly!
Thanks you for all your thought and care that went into this gift! I’m not sure how I’ll match it for future gifts!!